1st Richmond Rifles | 003 CV

Cockade Rifles | 011 CV

1st Virginia Cavalry | 027 CV

1st Valley Rangers | 079 CV

5th Virginia Cavalry | 091 CV

Dixie Artillery | 109 CV

1st Regiment Engineer Troops | 137 CV

Jeff Davis Legion | 145 CV

1st Florida Cavalry | 160 CV

2nd US Regular Infantry | 982 CV

Harlan's Light Cavalry | 223 CV

1st Tennessee Vol. Infantry | 195 CV

11th Virginia Cavalry | 226 CV

33rd Virginia Infantry | 268 CV

1st Berdan’s US Sharpshooters l 264 CV


The Central Virginia Region is one of thirteen regions that comprises the North-South Skirmish Association. The N-SSA is dedicated to preserving the history of the American Civil War by shooting original and direct reproduction firearms and artillery of the period. Firing is done at local skirmishes, which have competitive live firing of muskets, carbines, revolvers, breechloading rifles, smoothbores and artillery. Skirmishes, in our case, would be defined as the live firing of period firearms in competition. The North-South Skirmish Association as a whole is around 4,000 members, from across the country. Our region, the Central Virginia, is predominately based in Virginia and her surrounding states. We have 13 teams in our region and approximately 300 members shooting on those teams.

Most of our skirmishes are held at the N-SSA home range of Ft. Shenandoah. The Fort is approximately 700 acres located just north of Winchester, Virginia. Our region also attends many skirmishes at the Tidewater Regional range in Capron, Virginia and we are working diligently on a potential new range in the Fredericksburg, Virginia area.

Each and every team in this region has the typical "down-home" gracious southern attitude, and would be more than willing to lend their knowledge, experience and some wisdom to any potential new recruit. If you have any interest in our unique sport, or just questions regarding black powder shooting sport in general, please don't hesitate to contact any one listed on our contacts page.

Don't forget to visit the North-South Skirmish Association's home page, for more information on other regions, and our national skirmish schedule.