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to Oct 10


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146th National Skirmish, Skirmish Director - Jeff Hall, Washington Blue Rifles and host staff welcome you to the fall nationals.

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to May 17


March 27, 2020

Good afternoon. 
As everyone knows, I hope, our country is in a crisis due to the Corona Virus. I have asked the Board of Directors to consider a course of action regarding this virus. The Board of Directors has voted and the following actions are being taken:

1.   The Spring National is hereby cancelled for 2020.

2.   All N-SSA skirmishes that have been scheduled to be held prior to June 1, 2020, are hereby cancelled and if circumstances permit, can be re-scheduled at a later date.

3.   The host team for the spring national is hereby thanked for their service and will not be expected to help staff the Fall National. If any team or individual from this spring?s host group would like to help the fall host team they will be welcome to do so.

4.   As of now skirmishes scheduled to be held after June 1, 2020 will be permitted but we reserve to right to cancel if circumstances require it.

This action has not been taken lightly. I have spent many hours consulting with officials in several states, have listened to many phone calls from N-SSA members, received e-mails from our membership, and have e-mailed with the Board of Directors. We are sending out this news now so that our membership can make appropriate plans. The safety and welfare of our membership must be of paramount concern to the leadership of the N-SSA. I sincerely hope that all of you are safe from this virus and I hope that our skirmish season will resume in June. Thank you.

David T. Booz,
National Commander, N-SSA

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